What is Shingles?
Shingles is an infection type that causes a painless rash. While shingles can happen anywhere on the body, it tends to most commonly appear as a single flat stripe of painful blisters that envelop either the left or right side of the body.
The exact cause of shingles remains unclear. However, most medical professionals agree that the most common risk factors for developing shingles tend to be older adults who have had a history of chickenpox, people who have been in poor health for several years, and those who are female.
The Pain of Shingles
Shingles in adults can be painful and irritating, so you want to avoid the risk factors that can lead to an outbreak. Avoid being around people who have the herpes simplex virus (HSV), such as those with cold sores or flu. You should also avoid using products that contain ephedra, such as aspirin, some over the counter and prescription cough and cold medications.
If the rash does occur, one way to relieve itching and inflammation is to apply a medicated cream containing calamine lotion. While calamine lotion has gotten a bad rap in recent years due to numerous cases of overuse and addiction, it can provide effective relief if you apply it appropriately.
Shingles Causes
It’s important to remember that the virus that causes shingles, Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), does not always cause symptoms. One type of the VZV virus can lead to painful and itchy skin outbreaks called verrucous skin outbreaks (selsular outbreaks), but these outbreaks usually clear up on their own in a few days to a week.
The other type of virus, called Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) which causes the painful blister-like skin rashes are very serious and can cause severe complications, such as paralysis and death. Some people have even lost their lives because they did not receive relief measures in time. So, if you are experiencing any of these early signs of shingles, you should make an appointment with your doctor.
Symptoms of Shingles
One of the first symptoms of shingles in adults is pain in the single sensory nerve ganglion that lines the sides of your head. This is where the nerves from your eyes send signals to your brain. This pain can range from mild to excruciating but can subside quickly with creams and gels that your doctor may prescribe for you. If the pain continues, you should check into an appointment with your doctor. He or she will be able to run tests and see if there is any cause for concern.
The second thing that causes the painful rash that develops is the presence of a viral infection. Shingles in adults can occur when the virus affects the nerve that runs along the spine near your eyes.
In some cases, this nerve Ganglion can become infected, which causes a more intense burning and itching sensation that sometimes results in extreme discomfort. Because the pain and sensations associated with shingles do not go away without medical attention, it is important that you seek medical advice promptly to avoid this condition from causing permanent damage to your nerves.
The final common cause of symptoms in adults is a weakened immune system. If you do not have a strong immune system, it is easier for the shingles to develop. This is because the virus attacks the healthy tissue and is not able to proceed to the open stages of infection. When the person has a compromised immune system, the virus has the ability to move through the blood stream and move to the brain where it can then attack nerve cells and result in the painful symptoms of shingles.
What To Do If You Have Shingles
There are a number of different causes of the painful rash and symptoms of shingles in adults. However, the most common reasons behind this type of viral infection are the following: exposure to the common cold or flu, exposure to chemicals such as pesticides and insecticides, and an unhealthy immune system. If you think that you may have had one of these infections, you should contact your doctor to determine the source of the infection, as it could be something that developed while you were ill.
If you believe that the shingles symptoms you are experiencing are caused by a weakened immune system, then your doctor will likely provide an antibiotic or a good and effective shingles cream to provide relief. If you do not have one of these medicines, then you may also want to consider seeking the help of a homeopathic practitioner, as they often have a few shingles remedies that they can prescribe for your symptoms.
The symptoms of shingles in adults include the development of a large skin rash that appears around the eyes, face, or neck. In some cases, the rash may also appear on the arms or legs. The pain that you experience is similar to what a person would feel if they were having chicken pox.
Although there is no vaccine available to prevent shingles from developing, there are relief measures available to ease the pain and minimize the rashes that develop. It is important that you consult with your doctor so that he or she can determine what relief measures would be best for your situation.